Annabouboula continues to follow the melismatic perambulations of those Bad Boys of neo-Rembetica, The Byzan-Tones’ acoustic spin-off act DERVISI. Their next outing will be TONIGHT (Thursday May 15) at the cozy coffee bar Espresso 77 located at35-57 77th Street (just off of 37th Avenue) (74th-Broadway stop on the 7 train) in Jackson Heights, Queens. DERVISI are REPRESENTING the spirit of Old Piraeus with a style they call Punk Rembetic. They are George Barba Yiorgi on tzura, guitar and vocals, Stelios “SpitiPethi” (Homeboy Steve) Antonakos on guitar and Thanassi Donaldson on baghlama and percussion. Barba Yiorgi is a co-founder/musical director of Annabouboula; Thanassi (aka Ethan) D. played drums and engineered crucial tracks on the last Annabouboula release “Greek Fire”; and Homeboy Stelio, (apart from his parallel life as an in-demand American roots-rock guitarist/songwriter) spent many years performing with New York City’s premiere Greek party band, Magges (a band inspired by the legendary Trio Bel Canto). A frequent guest performer with DERVISI is longtime Annabouboula collaborator, clarinetist Big George Stathos… We’ll be updating you with their latest exploits as they try to evade Officer Bairaktaris and other party-poopers, in their quest for Peace, Love, Odd meters and fragrant herbal remedies.
DERVISI Including Annabouboula members performing Exotic Greek Gangsta Blues
May 14, 2014 / by barbayiorgi